Hi! Welcome to UPI Seed Plants blog!

This blog is the result (a final project) of Biodiversity Informatics course 

The purpose of the Biodiversity Informatics course in making this blog is to create an e-catalog. That way, plants diversity information at UPI can be easily accessed. 

There are a lot of information if you click the family tab.
The information comes from several different families. Each family has several species that represent it. Species listed are species that exist within UPI.

There are several other blog addresses that are connected and expose other families. These are the other blog addresses along with other families:
1.        Mimosaceae, Moringaceae, Musaceae, Myrtaceae
2.        Moraceae, myrsinaceae, nyctaginaceae, Meliaceae
3.        Ericaceae & Euphorbiaceae
4.        Achariaceae,Asclenpiadaceae, Asparagaceae,  Arecaceae,balsaminaceae
5.        Asteraceae, Magnoliaceae, Malvaceae, Maranthaceae, Melastomataceae
6.        Portulacaceae, Rosaceae, Rubiaceae, Rutaceae, Sapindaceae, Solanaceae
7.        Pandanaceae, Piperaceae, Phytolancaceae, Passifloraceae,
8.        Fabaceae, Flacouritiaceae
9.   Gesneriaceae, Gnetaceae, Heliconiaceae, Hemerocallidaceae, Hernandiaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Iridaceae
10.    Convolvulaceae, Crassulaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Asteraceae, Costaceae
11.    Sapotaceae, Solanaceae,Theaceae, Sterculiaceae, dan Simaroubaceae
12.    Agavaceae, Aloaceae, Altingiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Amaryllidaceae
13.    Lamiaceae, lauraceae, lechytridaceae, lemnaceae, liliaceae, lythraceae, acanthaceae
14.    Bignoniaceae, bixaceae, bromipiaceae, cactaceae, caesalpinaceae
15.  Nymphaeaceae, ochnaceae, oleaceae, orchidaceae, Oxalidaceae
16. Araceae, araliaceae, campanulaceae, commelinaceae, caricaceae, cannaceae, casuarinaceae, cecropiacea
17. Anthericaceae, Araucariaceae, Annonaceae, dan  apocynaceae

We hope this e-catalog helps you.

Happy reading!
