Hi! Welcome to UPI Seed Plants blog! This blog is the result (a final project) of Biod iversity Informatics course  The purpose of the Biodiversity Informatics course in making this blog is to create an e-catalog. That way, plants diversity information at UPI can be easily accessed.  There are a lot of information if you click the family tab. The information comes from several different families.  Each family has several species that represent it. Species listed are species that exist within UPI. There are several other blog addresses that are connected and expose other families. These are the other blog addresses along with other families: 1.         Mimosaceae, Moringaceae, Musaceae, Myrtaceae https://upiseedplants-16-triara.blogspot.com 2.         Moraceae, myrsinaceae, nyctaginaceae, Meliaceae https://upiseedplants-14-raeyhan.blogspot.com 3.   ...

Crassocephalum crepidioides

(Hidayat & Abdurrahman, 2017)
Kigdom           : Plantae
Phylum            : Tracheophyta
Classis             : Magnoliopsida         
Ordo                : Asterales
Familia            : Asteraceae
Genus              : Crassocephalum
(Hidayat & Abdurrahman, 2017)
Species            : Crassocephalum crepidioides

Local Name

C. crepidioides is an erect, sparingly branched aromatic annual herb, 40-100 cm tall. Stem rather stout, soft, ribbed, apically with short, thick hairs, lower down glabrescent; branches densely pubescent. Leaves helically arranged, elliptic, oblong or obovate-elliptic, acute or acuminate, pinnately lobed or pinnatifid, irregularly serrate, very thinly pubescent or glabrous, 8-18 x 2-5.5 cm; base tapered and often long-decurrent into the petiole; uppermost leaves smaller, sessile. Heads in terminal, rather small corymbs, homogamous, many-flowered, cylindrical, 13-16 x 5-6 mm, nodding during anthesis, afterwards erect; bracts linear, 0.5-10 cm long, peduncles densely pubescent; outer involucral bracts free, linear, 1-4 mm long, unequal, inner ones subequal, 1-2 seriate, green with dark-brown, acute, papillose tops, lanceolate, 8-12 mm long, thinly hairy, erect during anthesis, pellucid-marginate, cohering into a cylindrical tube, ultimately spreading, reflexed; hypanthium flat, epaleate, alveolate, alveoles with membranous rim. Flowers equal, bisexual; corolla yellow throughout, 9-11 mm long, tubular; tube long, very slender, funnel-shaped, circa 1 mm long, 5-fid limb. Anthers with entire or shallowly incised base, purple, apex acute. Style bifid, arms long, thin, their truncate, more or less penicilliate top tipped by a subulate appendix. Achenes cylindric-linear, ribbed, dark-brown with paler base and apex, thinly pubescent, 2 mm long; pappus hairs numerous, thin, silky, minutely toothed, white, caducous, 9-10 mm long.
(Hidayat & Abdurrahman, 2017)
(Hidayat & Abdurrahman, 2017)
Crassocephalum crepidioides occurs throughout tropical Africa, from Senegal east to Ethiopia and south to South Africa; it is also found in Madagascar and Mauritius. It was introduced and naturalized throughout tropical and subtropical Asia, Australia, the New Hebrides, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa, and locally in the Americas. The leafy parts are widely used as a vegetable, e.g. in Sierra Leone, Ghana, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, DR Congo and Uganda, and also in Asia
(Hidayat & Abdurrahman, 2017)

The leaves are used for indigestion, headaches, fresh wounds, nose bleeding, and sleeping sickness. The roots are used in the treatment of swollen lips. Aside from the medicinal uses, the leaves are also edible either raw or cooked. It is used as a vegetable. The roots are eaten with chilli sauce in Thailand

Location in UPI
UPI Botanical Garden Zone 3


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